How to Smoke a Joint Without Going Overboard like a Pro

How to Smoke a Joint

So you’ve decided to try cannabis for the first time, or maybe it’s been 20 years since you last smoked a joint, and you’re ready to get back into it. With all the current stories about the potency of weed, the thought may seem a little frightening. But, unfortunately, learning how to smoke a joint properly takes a lot of practice.

That’s what makes it so entertaining! But, if you’ve never smoked a joint before, where do you start? You’re probably just looking for a good time. As simple as it may sound, the cannabis consumers business has changed dramatically in recent years, and the options might be overwhelming.

Weed or cannabis comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is difficult to discern cannabis when it is making its way around the marijuana smoke circle. You only have four options for weed that is a joint, blunt, spliff, or vape Pen.

What Is A Joint?

A joint comprises cannabis rolled up in thin paper, usually white or a similar color. Filters are commonly found in joints, providing stability and allowing you to smoke weed rolls without burning your fingers.

Joints are distinct from spliffs, which contain a mix of cannabis and tobacco, and blunts, which are tobacco-based and typically last far longer than joints. Smoking marijuana can cause euphoria in as little as 10 minutes and peak after 20 or 30 minutes. After around 2 hours, the sensation usually fades away.

Components of the Joint

The joint has been broken down into its constituent parts to assist you in learning how to smoke a joint. You’ll know what you’re holding in your palm if you can identify those components.

1. Interior

Marijuana, and just marijuana, is wrapped in a rolling paper to make a joint. That’s all there is to it.

2. Exterior

Rolling papers can be made of various materials, from traditional wood pulp to more exotic rice to hemp. As a result, thickness, size, flavor, “rollability,” and burn length vary for each type and brand of paper.

3. Color

Joints were always white or light tan back in the day. Most rolling papers are still white or light tan. But, for the most part, after several decades. They are now available in a rainbow of hues, allowing you to make your joint gold, gray, polka-dotted, or even clear.

4. Size

The average length of a rolling paper is roughly 3 inches. They usually resemble a cigarette when rolled. However, depending on the paper used and the amount of marijuana packed within, they might be thinner or thicker.

5. Flavor

A joint’s flavor is determined by the strain used to roll it rather than the paper because most rolling sheets are flavorless. However, while most papers are flavorless, you’ll probably find some flavored varieties on the shelves of your local dispensary.

How to Smoke a Joint

How to Roll a Joint

  1. Choose a great bud and break it down into smaller pieces with your fingers, putting it evenly in the grinder. Don’t overcrowd it. To keep a consistent floral texture, mill fewer portions at a time. The seeds and stems are removed.
  2. Grind your cannabis until it has a uniform but grainy texture. It will have an uneven burn and an awful taste if you use powder or huge chunks.
  3. Remove one sheet of rolling paper from the package and place it on the table in front of you. The adhesive side should face up, and the glue is going horizontally to the left and right.
  4. Place a filter on the rolling paper’s far left or right side. If you don’t have a filter, you can make one by shredding a 12-inch piece of paper. Make a tight spiral with it and place it at the end of your paper.
  5. Place the ground cannabis in the center and horizontally across the paper. It will take some practice to figure out how much to add to achieve the desired width. The end product should ideally be the size of a normal cigarette or a thin cigar.
  6. Pick up the cannabis-filled paper with both hands, palms facing up, with care.
  7. To make the glue stickier, lick it. A little bit of spit may go a long way!
  8. As you guide the marijuana into a lovely even line, gently form the paper into a U shape with your index and middle fingers and thumbs.
  9. With your thumbs, rock the paper forth and back until it begins to bend into a tube. Take your time and do it correctly. Between the paper and the herb, there should be no space.
  10. To seal your work, fully roll the paper. It is your chance to shine or to fail. Nothing should come out if you hold it vertically if you did everything correctly.
Smoking Marijuana

Tips on How to Smoke a Joint

  • Ensure you pre-roll your joint.
  • In your mouth, place the filter end.
  • To light the other end, use a lighter or a match.
  • To light the joint, lightly draw air through it as if you were drinking through a straw.
  • Puff, puff, pass or take a couple of drags, breath in weed smoke, and wait.
  • Kindly do not use it as a substitute for cigarette smoke. Allow time for it to take effect and go at your own pace.

1. Gather your smoking devices

To smoke marijuana, you don’t need a lot of equipment. However, settling in for a nice evening can be frustrating, only to discover that you lack the necessary supplies for smoking joints. So before you light up, gather your supplies a fire, an ashtray, a sploof, a beverage, your favorite music or movie, and a plan for what you’ll do while high.

So that you are calm and in the appropriate frame of mind for the adventure ahead, store your gear in a bejeweled bag or box. That way, you won’t have to look all over for the equipment you require.

2. Inhale weed smoke correctly

You’d be amazed how tough it may be to inhale weed smoke properly when learning how to smoke marijuana. If you’re having trouble inhaling properly, practice using a straw for a minute or two to get the feel of it. You won’t get high if the marijuana smoke doesn’t make it to your lungs.

3. Hold your breathing for a few seconds.

You can take it a notch higher once you’ve mastered the breathing by holding the cannabis smoke in your chest for longer than usual. It allows your lungs to absorb more cannabinoids and terpenes into your bloodstream for a longer time. In addition, it can result in a faster, more intense high.

And, before you try holding your breath until you pass out, which you should not do, simply keeping the cannabis smoke in for a count of one or two will enhance the sensation. So, to see what happens, build up to a count of five-Mississippi.

4. Don’t go overboard

There’s no way you’re going to make it through the whole thing if you’re high after a couple of hits. Recognize your limitations. Feel free to push them now and then, but don’t go ten feet over the line when an inch suffices.

5. Prepare a lot of food.

You should feel hungry after smoking weed if you’re doing it correctly. It’s the natural rule, plan for the food. It is to avoid sapping your energy by leaving the house and deciding where and what to eat.

You and your friends should prepare your favorite meal and drink or order your favorite grub for delivery before you hit that joint. Then, you’ll be able to have both the high and the happiness of a giant stuffed-crust pepperoni pizza without having to get out of bed.

6. Drink, drink, and drink some more

Always drink large amounts of water if you want to learn how to smoke a joint properly. It is a wonderful rule for life in general, but it’s especially crucial when you’re on a date with weed and your friends to hydrate like you’re in the tropics.

Drink two cups of water before lighting up, and make it a point to drink another cup once the cherry has become dark. If your friends like a hot beverage to accompany your 420 smoke session, coffee and tea are both excellent options.

7. Safety first

Safety is always first when learning how to smoke a joint for the first time. Always make sure you’re in a secure location before lighting up. As you settle into smoke joints, keep the following DON’TS in mind:

  • Do not drive while smoking weed.
  • Don’t shave your head.
  • Don’t go shopping, and don’t operate dangerous machinery.
  • Don’t bother with the math.
  • It is not a good idea to speak with those in positions of authority.
  • Under no circumstances should you ever smoke weed with people you don’t know and trust.

Here are some things to do when high with your friends that are both enjoyable and safe:

  • Watch a film
  • Surf the internet
  • Play some songs
  • Take part in video games.
  • Get a book and read it.
  • Play weed-related games
  • Create some artwork.

8. Smoking with friends

One of the basic rules when smoking with pals is that the person who rolls the joint ignites it. The roller, on the other hand, is free to pass the privilege on to someone else. Therefore, the most vital advice for smoking with friends after lighting up is to puff, puff, and pass. Take two decently lengthy puffs without hogging the joint and pass to your left unless otherwise stated.

Make sure you don’t blast your smoke into someone else’s face when you exhale. Also, ash your hit before you pass. Hogging the joint generally occurs when the holder tells a narrative, but no matter how captivating that story is, no one wants to wait and watch the roach burn down as you hold court.

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Small Pre-Rolls by Wonders

Enjoy these single use 0.25G pre-rolls from WONDERS.  Perfect for not going overboard

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