How Much Shrooms Should a Beginner Take for a Good Trip?

Magic mushrooms can give you an unforgettable experience. However, it is critical to be well-informed to prepare the environment, the right company, and strategies to avoid a potentially disastrous trip. So how many magic mushrooms should a beginner take? This guide is for beginners who desire to explore the mysterious world of shrooms.

What are Magic Mushrooms?

Magic mushrooms, psilocybin mushrooms, or simply shrooms are all names for the same thing. Shrooms are one of the strongest and most fascinating natural medications available. Shrooms contain the psychedelic chemical psilocybin. When you eat fresh mushrooms, your body transforms psilocybin into psilocin, the active ingredient.

Psilocin causes a variety of sensations by binding to receptors in the brain. You will notice a cerebral boost with heightened senses and increased mental focus at lesser doses. It can cause conflict in excessive dosages. It can alter your perception, make you feel free, deeply introspective, and even cause hallucinations at excessive dosages.

Shrooms come with their own set of dangers. Because of the strong psychoactive effects they create, high doses may result in an unpleasant trip. In addition, physical adverse effects such as nausea, sweating, and vomiting have been reported.

However, by managing your dosage and taking them in a safe and comfortable atmosphere, you can lessen the chance of these adverse effects. Therefore, most users find the effects of shrooms to be beneficial. There are numerous distinct shrooms, but the most prevalent are psilocybe cubensis mushrooms.

Psilocybe cubensis mushrooms are commonly found in the wild. Some people consume the mushrooms whole, while others make tea with them. Psilocybin-infused edibles and capsules are now available, making microdosing a breeze.

What are the Benefits of Magic Mushrooms?

1. Boost Your Creativity

Psychedelics and psilocin bind to brain receptors, causing you to become more active and creative. So consume it and experiment with doing something you enjoy, such as sketching, to see what happens.

2. Relieve Anxiety

A variety of factors can cause anxiety. Psilocybin aids in the development of new brain cells. This aids in the removal of any fear from the mind. More research is being done to see how quickly neurons sprout when magic mushrooms are consumed.

3. Reduces Depression

Psilocybin binds to serotonin receptor(s), which are primarily present in the brain and alter brain function. So it will get you high and release you from any form of depression that may lead to mood swings.

4. Overcome Addiction

You can overcome addictions by using psychedelic mushrooms, eliminating any addiction. Many people’s main issue is cigarette smoking, and shrooms can assist them in overcoming this challenge.

5. Lessens Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Introducing shrooms into your daily life can help reduce the symptoms of bipolar disorder and any other psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia. Thus, improving the state of your well-being. Psychiatric illnesses can lead to depression.

How Much Shrooms Should a Beginner Take?

How many magic mushrooms should a beginner take? There are different doses you can consume. Depending on various conditions, each user’s optimal dose will differ. Some people prefer more effects than others, and it also depends on your psilocybin tolerance. The more psilocybin mushrooms you take, the more effects you will experience. In either case, the ideal method is to start with a low dose and gradually raise your dosage as you gain confidence.

1. Microdose (0.1-0.7 gram)

The threshold dose or microdose is a good option if you don’t want to experience strong effects but still want to reap the benefits of psilocybin. To improve your creativity and mental focus, you’ll need to take lower doses. It’s ideal to consume at least 0.5 grams, but the effects will be light and controllable throughout the day in either case.

2. Mild Dose (0.8-1 gram)

A mild dose of 0.8-1 gram of magic mushrooms is ideal as a first dose for medicinal users. People want to improve their mood, senses, and creativity without experiencing strong psychoactive effects. When you want a gentle high or to become acclimated to the effects of psilocybin, this is a suitable amount to start with.

3. Moderate Dose (1–2 grams)

At roughly 1–2 grams, you’ll start to feel psilocybin’s true potential. This amount might heighten your senses and provide an excellent euphoric high. Mild hallucinations, such as flashes of colors or patterns, are possible. This medium dose is still controllable and suitable for beginners.

4. Classic Psychoactive Dose (2-3.5 grams)

As you increase the dose, you’ll begin to have hallucinations and a disturbed mental state. Around 3.5 grams will give you a classic magic mushroom experience, with real-life visual and audio hallucinations and a sense of time and location loss. Many users report having a spiritual or life-changing experience in this range.

5. Strong Dose (3.5 – 5 grams)

The effects of taking more than 3.5 grams of magic mushrooms will be pretty intense. It will induce hallucinations that are more intense, and you may also develop delusions and lose contact with the natural world. These symptoms will fade as the trip progresses. Except for experienced users who know what to expect, it’s best to avoid taking higher doses of psychedelic compounds.

6. Heroic Dose(5 grams)

Terence McKenna invented the phrase “heroic dosage.”It is defined as five grams of dry weight mushrooms (Psilocybe Cubensis) taken in solitude, with your eyes closed, in the dark. The heroic dose has a very high dose and effects for up to 8 hours.

How to Consume Magic Mushrooms the Right Way

1. Eating Magic Mushrooms

Eating magic mushrooms is one of the most common methods of consuming shrooms. It is the simplest and most obvious way to experience their effects. To make sure you don’t take too much, split your magic mushrooms into smaller doses and weigh them. Remember that it has a bitter taste. Thus shrooms should be mixed into your food.

2. How to Make Magic Mushroom Tea

Brewing several grams of dried shrooms into delightful magic mushroom tea is one of the most popular ways to get their benefits. A few grams of dried mushrooms can be steeped in hot water and then strained into a mug of tea. To speed up the effects of your psilocybin mushroom tea, you can add more flavorings or even lemon juice.

3. Magic Mushroom Edibles

If you’re looking for a quick and fun way to receive a microdose of psilocybin, try edibles infused with mushrooms. These can take numerous forms, including delicious magic mushroom jelly or drink mixtures like mushroom iced tea. These items make it simple to acquire a consistent dose of psilocybin without dealing with the unpleasant taste of dried mushrooms.

4. Magic Mushroom Capsules

Magic mushroom capsules are easier to acquire a consistent dose of psilocybin. Each capsule contains a microdose of psilocybin mushrooms, and all you need to do is swallow one and wash it down with water. Then, take 2 or 3 capsules for peak effects.

How Long Does a Magic Mushroom Trip Last?

It’s vital to remember that a shroom trip might continue for quite a while. You’ll have to wait a long time for the effects to appear. Users who take a micro dose of psilocybin don’t have to worry. If you intend to take a larger dose, make sure you have plenty of time and no obligations.

It can take anything from 20 minutes to 2 hours after ingesting magic mushrooms to feel the effects. It is because before psilocybin affects your mind and body, it must be digested and converted to psilocin by your body. As a result, it’s critical not to take any more until the side effects have passed.

The experience can last much longer after the effects kick in. A mushroom trip lasts about 3-6 hours on average, though you may still feel mild effects for up to 12 hours. If you have a bad trip, stay hydrated, get enough rest, and stay away from anything that makes you nervous.

The onset and duration of effects can be affected by various circumstances. For example, users with faster metabolisms will likely feel the effects sooner, and how much you take and your tolerance for psilocybin will also play a role.

It’s also important to consider how you take psilocybin. Brewing magic mushroom tea with lemon juice, for example, speeds up the conversion of psilocybin to psilocin, resulting in a faster-acting high.

What to Consider before Consuming Magic Mushrooms

1. Your Body

Pay attention to your own body. The same amount of material might have varied effects depending on the situation. For example, psilocybin, like other entheogens, magnifies your mood, so if you’re feeling good, they’ll help you feel better and vice versa.

2. The Environment

The atmosphere must be adequately prepared to enjoy your first trip fully. A familiar place makes the experience more comfortable. When you are under the effect of Psilocybin therapy, you can rediscover reality. It can be at home or outside, but try to keep any potential stimulus that could detract from the trip’s quality under control.

3. Prepare Yourself

Prepare water, fruit juice, herbal teas, and a light snack ahead of time. Shroom effects might last anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. Even if you are not hungry, it is an excellent idea to consume something during this period. It may also be challenging to locate the refrigerator, so keep the food close at hand.

4. Empty Stomach

Do not consume anything for at least three hours before you take magic mushrooms. As a result, the psilocybin will be absorbed more quickly in your body, and you will be less likely to suffer nausea, which is expected at the start of trips.

5. Don’t combine Mushrooms with other Mind-altering Substances

It would be best never to combine shrooms with any other mind-altering substances. The positive experiences you’ll have with mushrooms are unlike anything you’ve ever had before. However, when combined with other substances, they can lead to bad trips.

However, some users claim that a small dose of cannabis might help them overcome sickness at the start of the trip and bad trip-induced anxiety or panic. If you’re not a seasoned mushroom user, don’t try this.

6. Trip Sitter

A trip sitter ensures that you’ll be fine in reality. To help you through your first shroom trip, choose a sober individual who has the time and experience to look after you. A trip sitter comes in handy, whether by merely bringing you a blanket or saving you from police trouble or bodily injury.


Taking shrooms can be an advantageous experience, whether you’re searching for psychoactive effects or mental benefits. It’s crucial, however, to understand how much you’re taking and what to expect. The best method to obtain safe, high-quality mushrooms is to purchase them from a reputable dispensary online.

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