A guide on How to Smoke Shatter With or Without a Rig

A guide on How to Smoke Shatter With or Without a Rig

Knowing how to smoke shatter with or without a rig is an important skill that every cannabis enthusiast should learn. In addition, it is crucial to master how to consume all forms of cannabis in case you might need the skill one day.

There are two main ways you can consume a shatter. You can not only consume it using a rig, but you can also consume it without one. To help you know how to consume cannabis concentrates, we have created a complete guide on how to smoke shatter.

What is a Shatter?

Shatter is one of the purest forms of cannabis extract that is translucent, sometimes transparent, looking like a Jolly Rancher or rock candy. It has some of the highest terpene content and potent form compared to all other concentrated extracts, producing an intense high and one that lasts.

The transparent quality is from the temperatures used during finishing and extraction processes, as well as other variables. Shatter has an average of between 50% and 80% THC concentration, but the most potent shatter can go up to 90%.

Shatter is made where a liquid form of butane is used to extract trichomes, which are tiny hair-like bumps that are rich in cannabinoids and terpenes from the cannabis plant buds. Low heat is used to remove any butane or residues before the final product is formed.

One of the reasons why shatter is very popular is because of its versatility since they are many ways you can consume shatter, and all of them offer something a bit different.

Although producing shatters is a very basic procedure and something that has been done for decades now, you should never try it at home. This is because butane can be very risky and sometimes life-threatening.

Moreover, as much as the procedure will ensure that the shatter will have the highest possible quality, it won’t how transparent the shatter will be. While there are different factors that play a role in determining the texture and clarity, the general is- the better the quality of the materials, the better the shatter.

Difference Between a Shatter and Wax

A cannabis concentrate can come in many forms, including shatter, wax, crumble, budder, honeycomb, etc. So what’s the difference? The only difference is in their form and appearance because they come with roughly the same CBD or THC potency.

Although both shatter and wax concentrates have a similar production process, some slight differences in treatment and extraction make them a bit different. The arrangement of molecules within the wax and shatter gives some unique differences, including;

  • Shatter is more stable, making it last longer. On the other hand, wax is softer, less stable, and degrades faster.
  • Shatter is harder to use, handle and measure because of the brittleness, while the smoking wax is much easier to work with because it is a bit firm.
  • Wax is also easier to produce, while shatter is a bit difficult because it is very finicky.

Despite the differences, both concentrates both cannabis concentrates have a great market to meet the needs of different consumers.

While it is a good idea to learn how to smoke shatter, it is also a great idea to ensure that either the wax or shatter produced is of good quality. For this reason, if your local dispensary doesn’t offer some, you need to get them from a reliable online dispensary.

Looking to try to smoke shatter? Below are some of the best ways how to smoke shatter. However, it is crucial to note that whichever route you take, there are some pros and cons you should be aware of in advance. So, keep reading to find out.

How To Smoke Shatter With a Dab Rig

Using a dab rig or oil rig is the most popular way to consume cannabis concentrate. A dab rig is a glass pipe that looks similar to a bong used to burn concentrates like shatter and wax instead of cured and dried bud.

Unlike a bong, a dab rig has two essential pieces for smoking shatter, which are a nail and a dome. For the dab rig to work, you need to;

  1. Break of a tiny piece of shatter you’re planning to smoke for that session. Ensure it is a very small piece because shatter is a potent concentrate and small doses are enough to get you high.
  2. Turn on the torch to heat the dab nail of the rig and ensure it’s blazing hot.
  3. Place the small piece of shatter on the hot nail.
  4. As it starts cooling, cover using the dome, which is a spherical glass that fits over the nail.

This hot nail will vaporize the shatter to turn it into smoke, while the dome will keep the smoke from floating into space. You can then inhale the smoke through the mouth of the dab rig. Some dab rigs will have a water chamber that the vapor will pass through first before going to your lungs.

Some dab rigs will also have a carb cap, which creates a mini oven that enables you to vaporize the cannabis concentrate even at lower temperatures. Some people tend to find this method gives a smoother and more enjoyable experience with your shatter.

How To Smoke Shatter Without a Rig

Luckily, the dab rig isn’t the only way as to how to smoke shatter because there are other simple ways to smoke. Here are some of the easiest ways;

1. Smoke Shatter In A Pipe

Another common method on how to smoke shatter is using a water pipe. It is a method with the longest tradition, and many people have seen its efficiency in giving an amazing quality vapor. You can fill the pipe with water until you see it forming huge bubbles.

Then put the nail into the water pipe and heat it more until it becomes red hot. Lastly, all you’ll be required to do is put the shatter on the nail, then start vaping. The longer you want the nail to cool down, the better the flavor will be. However, don’t wait for too long because you will waste the concentrates and get low-quality vapor.

2. Smoke Shatter In A Bong

You can always repurpose your bong to a homemade dab rig in case you’re not willing to invest in a rig. However, a tall bong may make it long for the vapor to travel upward, and for this reason, you should use a small bong.

Additionally, avoid using bongs that have percolators since they can filter your terpenes and minimize the overall flavor of the extract. Using a bong provides you with a short-term fix on how to smoke shatter.

3. Smoke Shatter In A Vape Pen

A vape pen is one of the simplest ways to consume shatter, and they have become very popular over the last few years. This is because you can puff on your vape pen, and people won’t recognize its cannabis and might think it’s a nicotine vape.

Most of the vape pens come with temperature regulators to enable one to enjoy shatter, and other concentrates in a unique way. Here are some tips you should know when using a vape pen;

  • Ensure the vape you buy is designed to vaporize concentrates like shatter because not all of them are equal, and some are designed to handle more heat than others. For shatter, the ones designed to handle more heat are the best.
  • Load a tiny piece on the champer of the vape pens and ensure it is well aligned on the coil for proper vaporizing.
  • Before the chamber is closed, ignite the vape for a short time to melt the shatter a little bit but ensure you don’t burn it.
  • Close the chamber and securely lock the lid of the pen.
  • Hold the ignition button, then slowly inhale the smoke to your liking.

4. Using a Healthstone

A healthstone is a type of glass with a porous consistency designed to smoke wax or shatter with a standard pipe or bong. It is placed on the bowl area of the pipe or inside the bottom of the titanium nail. Place a bit of shatter on the healthston, heat the insert, and they inhale as you would do with a rig.

5. Other Methods

  • Using hot knives (Pretty wasteful)
  • Cooking them into edibles (Won’t get the immediate hit)
  • Using an electric car lighter (Not recommended)
  • Aluminum foil (Not recommended)

Alternative Option- E-Nails

E-nails, also known as electronic nails, are more expensive options than using standard nails, but this investment is definitely worth it for enthusiast dabbers. In addition, these devices will cut out the need to use a torch and nail.

Additionally, these e-nails offer full control over the temperature of the nail. It is an important additional feature if you’re looking to get the most out of the terpenes and flavors while you dab.

What Should You Expect When You Smoke Shatter?

Experienced shatter users have reported faster and almost instantaneous effects with more physical and visual highs. However, if you’re a first-time user or used it only a few times, then don’t inhale the vapor too deeply or hold it for long in your lungs.

This way, you won’t have too much THC in a single breath and become too high. Furthermore, it is also a better idea to stay seated while you smoke, especially for the first few times to ensure you don’t find yourself on the floor.

The best advice for beginners is to get all the shatter from a reputable source, start small and take it slow. Of course, this is also a good idea for experienced users and any other form of cannabis concentrates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Smoking Shatter

1. Does Shatter Contain CBD?

Yes. Most shatter concentrates will contain some traces of CBD. The main goal of producing shatter is to make a potent concentrate with high THC levels and not to preserve everything within the cannabis plant.

A full spectrum of cannabis is believed to bring the best of what the cannabis has to offer and also help mitigate the potential effects of THC, for example, paranoia. However, if you’re hoping to smoke for CBD benefits, there are better options to match your needs.

2. Can You Eat Shatter?

Although shatter is safe for human consumption, eating it is not recommended because as much as you won’t experience side effects, you won’t get high either. This is because shatter requires decarboxylation, which activates the cannabinoids, and it is why heat is applied. If you’re in search of something you can eat and get high, consider some delicious edibles.

3. How often Should I Smoke Shatter?

Shatter should be smoked in moderation because it packs much more potent than other extracts from the cannabis flower. The shatters have averages of between 50% and 80% of THC concentration, which is approximately triple the amount of the most potent weed flower.

This is why it is recommended to take breaks of 10-15-minutes between smoke dabs to allow your body and mind to adjust to the previous hit and determine whether you will need another one.

4. Can you smoke shatter in a joint?

One of the simplest methods to smoke shatter is adding it to a joint that you’re rolling. Since shatter is brittle, it is easy to break it off into small pieces that can enter down to the length of the joint.

Adding shatter to the joint will increase the potency, affecting how much you can use. This means that you can end up being way higher than expected. A major disadvantage of smoking shatter is that it is common to lose out on some flavors, and you might not be able to appreciate the experience.

5. Where can I buy good quality shatter?

Once you learn how to smoke shatter, you can now check out the wide range of dispensaries in the market today. We recommend Cannablossom for high-quality strains, and you get a wide variety of options to choose from. Their products are safe with the purest form of marijuana, cost-effective, and produce a really great high.

Now that you’re a shatter pro, we got you covered

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