How to Sober Up from Weed: The Effective Calm Down Guide

Having a bad trip from consuming too much cannabis can be more than unnerving for experienced and novice marijuana users alike. Whether you are trying a new strain or accidentally overdo your typical dosage, the less-than-ideal feeling of anxiety, paranoia and nausea can last for a while. We have got you covered if you are looking for a practical guide on how to sober up from weed. However, before we delve into the various steps you can take, let us consider how you can tell when you are in for a bad high.

How to Tell if You Have Taken Too Much THC

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from the cannabis plant hijacks the same cannabinoid receptors in your brain that help you function calmly and in a restrained way. Since these marijuana molecules mimic the appearance of the naturally produced Anandamide, your brain cells keep firing, which makes your thoughts more engrossing. But, as your mind wonders, body functions like coordination, memory, your ability to learn and higher cognitive functions will be affected.

The duration you stay high depends on the potency of the cannabis strain, the consumption method, dosage and your body’s metabolism and tolerance. Smoking weed has the least lasting effects, followed by taking flowers, edibles, and concentrates with the longest. In any case, you are likely to experience bouts of or sustained feelings of shortness of breath, anxiety, paranoia, confusion and panic.

Steps on How to Sober Up from Weed

1. Nibble on Black Peppercorn

Black peppercorns, responsible for flavouring our meals, can help alleviate the anxiety and paranoia of taking too much cannabis. Whether you choose to chew on corn whole, grind them into your food or smell a dash of it carefully, this kitchen ingredient will bring you back to your normal self. So, how does the black pepper method work to reduce anxiety?

Beta-caryophyllene, a terpene found in black pepper, has a synergistic relationship with THC, affecting the same cannabinoid receptors. The former stops marijuana molecules from attaching to the receptors. Consequently, black peppercorn offers instantaneous relief since it targets your brain directly.

2. Drinking Water

Developing a dry mouth is one of the telltale signs you are high, as marijuana use halts saliva production. An excellent solution against cottonmouth is drinking water. Bringing a bottle to your smoking session ensures your mouth will stay hydrated while giving you something to focus on as your mind races. Remember to pace yourself when sipping as you can get full on two or more glasses and still experience the drying effects of THC.

Of course, you are free to substitute the cold water for some other fluid. However, you should avoid taking fruit juices with mango, coffee or alcohol, as these three can magnify and sustain the intoxicating effects of cannabis in different ways.

3. Tend to Your Munchies!

If you are feeling light-headed, taking light snacks can help. Whether it is chewing on some pine nuts or fruits, feeding your munchies will make you feel present at the moment as your mind and body are engaging in the same activity. Additionally, eating can calm you down but remember not to overdo it since getting high can make you take more than your usual portion. However, once you are satisfied, you can consider the next step.

4. Take a Nap

After eating, find a quiet place and try to fall asleep, as it will give your body a chance to reset and clear out the THC in your system. Also, you can skip the bad high and wake up when you have sobered up. Nevertheless, it is challenging to sleep, especially when your thoughts run on overdrive. Thus, you should try the next step first.

5. Relax and Take Deep Breaths

Feeling anxious, paranoia and panicking can make you feel unsafe. If sleep does not come automatically to you, try resting while taking deep breaths. Then, if your body and mind allow you to drift off into slumberland, you can take your nap and time travel to a future where you are sober.

Find your favourite album and a quiet place where you can take deep breaths. After all, it would be best if you reduce the triggers that cause panic and paranoia after consuming too much cannabis. So instead, breathe through your diaphragm and belly calmly and consistently. A fantastic trick involves taking a breath through your nose for 4 seconds, holding it for 7 and letting it out through your mouth in 8 seconds.

However, if you find counting way too stressful, there are other ways to sober up from THC that do not involve trying to concentrate. After all, when you feel anxious, trying to focus may be the hardest thing. Hence, the next step might do the trick.

6. Distract Yourself

You may have heard the phrase “no one has ever overdosed on marijuana” in your circles. It can be tricky to keep this in mind when your mind feels like it will remain in the high state forever. However, you can rest assured that the anxiety, paranoia and panic are temporary.

Consequently, it would help if you tried to wait it out by doing activities that can take your mind off the uncomfortable situation. For example, watch your favourite show, play an easy game or phone a friend. However, try to ensure that these activities remain simple, as thinking too hard may snap you back to your bad high.

Alternatively, you can get fresh air by taking a walk outside to clear your head. The point of these distractions is to engage your mind to not focus on the overwhelming cannabis feeling. Additionally, depending on your method of consumption, you can sober up within the hour.

7. Hit the Shower

Splashing cold water on yourself or taking a warm shower can help counteract the intoxicating effects of taking too much cannabis. For starters, the feeling of warm water hitting your skin can reduce anxiety by inducing relaxation. On the other hand, a cold shower will stop a panic attack as it causes deep breathing. Consequently, you can reduce your blood pressure to improve circulation, oxygen levels and cardiac functionality.

If you do not have access to a shower, you can apply water to your face. Ideally, this step should have similar effects to taking a bath. However, if this does not help, perhaps the following tip will.

8. Citrus Fruits for Anxiety

The flavour, smell and impact of cannabis come from its aromatic oils called terpenes. Citrus fruits and other plants also have these compounds that affect the body’s cannabinoid system, which is similar to beta-caryophyllene. In particular, the citrusy terpene limonene has scientific backing in its calming effects against anxiety.

Consequently, you can try lemon or orange juice as a way to stay hydrated while reducing the effects of THC. Alternatively, you can smell a squeezed lemon to gain the benefits.

9. Exercise Lightly

You can counteract the effects of THC by doing a light exercise to get the blood pumping. In addition, some easy physical activities cause your brain to release endorphins that have plenty of calming benefits. For example, it can help you relax your crowded mind and alter your mood for the better.

Although it is a fantastic way to help you sober up from weed, it is best to consider how you feel. Being light-headed and dizzy means you are not able to exercise. Thus, it may be better to lay down and try to relax.

10. Take Some CBD

The calming effects of CBD have been a matter of scientific fact for a while now. This molecule has shown significant effectiveness in reducing anxiety caused by THC consumption. Admittedly, more research is necessary to simultaneously confirm the overall benefits of consuming THC and CBD. However, you can take CBD oil or smoke the help flower to ease your high.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on How to Sober Up from Weed

1. How long does it take to recover from cannabis?

The method of weed consumption, your bodily functions and tolerance to cannabis have a significant role in how long your high will last. Typically, edibles and concentrates have the most lasting effects or a few hours, while smoking may only last about an hour. Nevertheless, you can follow the steps above to decrease your high time.

2. Does using black pepper take away your high?

According to the British Journal of Pharmacology, there is a strong relationship between cannabis and black pepper. The latter contains beta-caryophyllene that can counteract the effects of THC by blocking the molecules from affecting your brain’s receptors. Consequently, you can enjoy the therapeutic benefits minus the panic-inducing ones.

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